Free Write
In this essay, I believe Jonah Lehrer’s main argument is that metaphor and art should be integrated into the science fields. He does this by showing examples of where art and metaphor does have its place in science. He tells about how Einstein theorized relativity by thinking about moving trains, and continues to give many other examples of where metaphor and art were used by brilliant scientists. He also talk about how understanding abstract art can help us understand more abstract science theories by writing about Picasso and cubism.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle- the position and velocity of an object cannot be measured at the same time
Reductionism- Describing one phenomena in terms of a simpler and more understood phenomena
Holistic Perspective- Taking into account the whole situation, not just each individual part.
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This is a dense essay. This is when your annotations may count the most. Make sure that you mark the text as a way to help your future self navigate the different points that an author makes.