I chose to read chapter four of “They Say I Say”. This chapter talked about how to respond to what someone says in their writing, and how to formulate your own argument to either agree, disagree, or disagree/agree partially. The main points of the chapter are that if you are going to have a position, make it clear. Also, explain yourself. If you disagree or only agree with part of what the person has to say, you must explain yourself and be clear about that. If you are agreeing with what the person says, you need to agree with a difference by bringing a new idea to the conversation instead of repeating what the quote says. It also goes on to talk about how you can be undecided, and that is okay.
Some things I will change in my paper after reading this chapter will be to give more of my own opinion on how I feel after a quote. I will talk more about how I agree or disagree with what the person is saying, and give more of my thoughts. This will help to strengthen my paper because it will give the paper more of my ideas instead of just rephrasing what the person I’m quoting says.
Excellent. As you work to strengthen the analysis that follows a quote, keep in mind that you want to provide your ideas so that they serve your ongoing argument. (When you write a well-written essay, you need to keep the smaller and bigger picture in mind at all times.)